Monday, July 29, 2013

Salvation 1

Salaam All
God distributed the Gift of Mercy in the first 10 nights. Then He distributed the Gift of Forgiveness in the 2nd ten nights. And in these last ten nights The Gift of Salvation/Emancipation from Eternal Destruction is on offer. It's the 21st night in Ramadan. So need you be told how EASY it is to be granted.
Billions of misguided people see migration to the wealthy zones of the world as their only salvation.
Billions more know where true salvation lies.
In these last 10 nights there is one special night that is called the Night of Power/Glory/Destiny. It's on this Night that the Quran was revealed. No human knows the exact night so in essence what one has to do is spend time in intense devotion to in a search for this special night. So instead of slacking off in the spiritual race...we have to summon extra strength from the depths of your soul in the quest to spiritualize our humanness. To become sacred. We are souls. We are spirits. We have the very image of God imprinted in us. In fact, that is what defines us, that is what gives us our identity and marks us as sacred beings.
So here are the verses that speak of the night of Power/Glory/Destiny...the most mystical night...a time when the Divine & the human get very close
Chapter 97
(1)BEHOLD, from on high have We bestowed this divine writ on a Night of Destiny.
(2) And what could make you conceive what it is, that Night of Destiny?
(3) The Night of Destiny is better than a thousand months:
(4) In hosts descend the angels & the Spirit, bearing divine inspiration by their Sustainer's leave; from all that may happen
(5) PEACE does it make secure, until the rise of the dawn
conscious realization of the sanctity of this night acts as a shield against unworthy thoughts and inclinations.
It is reported from Aisha, that she said: “O Messenger of God! What if I knew which night Lailatul-Qadr (The Night of Power) was, then what should I say in it?” He said: "Say: O God you are the one who pardons greatly, and loves to pardon, so pardon me." These special transcendent words emanating from a reverent soul and finding expression on grateful lips, polishes our heart so that it not leave your heart in a tarnished state.
Let's awake from the slumber of ignorance and see the dawn of knowledge.

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