Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Mercy 8

Salaam All
It is only the infinite mercy and love of God that has prevented us from tearing ourselves to pieces and destroying His entire creation long ago. People seem to think that it is in some way a proof that no merciful God exists, if we have so many wars. On the contrary, consider how in spite of centuries of sin and greed and lust and cruelty and hatred and avarice and oppression and injustice, spawned and bred by the free wills of men, the human race can still recover, each time, and can still produce SPIRITUAL men and SPIRITUAL women who overcome evil with good, hatred with love, greed with charity, lust and cruelty with sanctity. How could all this be possible without the merciful love of God, pouring out His grace upon us? Can there be any doubt where wars come from and where peace comes from, when the people of this world, excluding God from their peace conferences, only manage to bring about greater and greater wars the more they TALK about peace?
TALK...Empty TALK... as children die and suffer in Syria: FROM CNN today...mothers and children who have witnessed unspeakable acts of violence, including the death of loved ones. Often arriving in Lebanon with no more than the clothes on their backs, moms are trying to hold their families together with NO idea how they will feed, clothe or shelter their traumatized kids. What's at stake is an entire generation of children who are carrying the emotional and physical scars of war. Time is running out for them. They need our help to stay alive, to go to school and to be kids again.....
A woman refugee holds her son outside a tent shelter in a makeshift encampment in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon. No Mercy...man's inhumanity to man
....and we "comfortably" just ate our luxurious iftaar dinner...
Include God: "So observe the effects of the mercy of God - how He gives life to the earth after its lifelessness. Indeed, God will give life to the dead, and He is over ALL things competent." [30:50]
Shamal...May God in His Mercy enable us without obstinacy to perceive our errors

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