Monday, July 15, 2013

Mercy 7

Salaam All
Must we be whiplashed in life incessantly between joy and sorrow, expectation & disappointment? Is it not possible to live from a place of greater equilibrium, to find a deeper & steadier current?
Annually, for 30 days, in Ramadan, we are shown the answers to those questions. This journey to the wellsprings of God's MERCY is not something that will change your life in the short the externals. Rather it is something that will change your innermost way of seeing. From there, inevitably, the externals will rearrange. The Merciful God coaxes us with these Merciful words that if acted upon with vigour will cause GREAT changes: Quran 13:11..."Indeed, God will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves." These words points to depths of meaning belied by its brevity. There is strong nourishment here...please contemplate...don't just get consumed by what's on your plate.
Mercy is no longer a marginalized word, lost in an over-worked and trite lexicon of simplicity. It bounces and dances with life, and makes sense for practicing this great faith we so desperately seek...let's all CHANGE...and a night, like tonight. charged with MERCY is the best time to start. You hit a switch to turn on the turn on God's Mercy let your heart, not your lips, whisper "O my God...have mercy upon me..." You're now switched on. Take one step like this to God, and He takes ten to you...that's awesome mercy.
Trust the past to God’s mercy, the present to God’s love, and the future to God’s providence.  
Shamal...God's steadier current (His Mercy) does not suffer from low voltage or blackout...and there's no bill for it...nor threats from God to increase the rates.  

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