Salaam All...the first 10 nights of Ramadan is the gift of special mercy to those who believe in God.
We are currently blanketed by the third night of MERCY. 
Alexander Pope Quote
In these special nights of MERCY...let's turn our attention to the Final Revelation for an understanding of "mercy"...compassionate or kindly forbearance. As over a billion Muslims seek MERCY tonight let's do so with a soul thirsting after obedience to God thru knowledge. There is a great force hidden in a gentle command. Such commands inoculate true believers against extremism. Note how ALL of God's commands are gentle...there are no terroristic fervor or flavor to them.
"Obey God and the Messenger that you may obtain mercy." Qur’an you see any terror there...

• By following the teachings of perfect harmony of mercy and justice found in the Qur’an: "And this is a blessed Book We have revealed; therefore follow it and protect yourself against evil, that mercy may be shown to you." Qur’an 6.155...absolutely terror-free

"Keep up prayer and pay the compulsory charity to the needy and obey the Messenger, so that mercy may be shown to you." Qur’an the one who calls a Muslim a terrorist a question must be asked...when last did you PRAY??? Or when last did you give charity???

• Sincerely asking for Mercy from God. "Our Lord! Make not our hearts to deviate after you have guided us aright, and grant us mercy from Yourself; surely You are The Bestower." Qur’an 3:8...does this look like a supplication for bombs & guns...
Shamal...have a mercy filled night as you Praise & Glorify God before you sleep.