Monday, July 22, 2013

Forgiveness 4

Salaam All
In the Name of God, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful
It is He Who accepts repentance from His servants and pardons evil acts and knows what they do. (Surat Ash-Shura, 25)
Have you been held hostage to the numbing torrent of unforgiveness?
It means you have taken the Bait of Satan and swallowed it. This then puts up a WALL between you and God. And many suffer for years. And many "baited" worshippers line up for prayer. We fool ourselves in thinking that we are the slaves of GOD when we are the slaves of Satan via his chains of bitterness. And you thought the slave trade was bad...
The greatest hatred is found amongst those who are close to you. Those who sleep in your bed. The most vicious cases are in the divorce courts. The home, meant to be a place of protection, a place where we give and receive love, is often the root of our pain. Only those you care about can hurt you. You expect more from them--you have given more of yourself to them. The higher the expectations, the harder the fall.
When we get hurt...we become bitter...this hardens our heart...and now at this point we lose tenderness creating a loss of sensitivity. We become the most pitiful human being. And trials begin...and cause us to cry out to God. But crying won't bring us close to god IF it comes from a bruised ego. The size of our ego is exactly equal to the distance between us and God.
Two choices are there: 1. Hold onto our pride & ego & keep blaming people and being angry. 2. Repent & receive forgiveness.
In these nights of forgiveness from God...let go & LET GOD. Let go of blaming others (especially family members) and remaining blind. When we filter everything through past hurts, rejections, and experiences, we find it impossible to believe in God & His gifts.
This free gift of blessed forgiveness (a gift that surpasses your latest iphone, ipad, or iron or any gifts that you have received or will ever receive) comes from our Merciful & Forgiving Creator...stretch out your hands and escape the victim mentality. Whisper a meaningful "I seek Your forgiveness my Lord"...It will enlighten and brighten your life.
Shamal...True courage is a result of reasoning. A brave mind is always impregnable.

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