Sunday, July 28, 2013

Forgiveness 10

Salaam All
We are at the 20th night of Ramadan which means it's the last night of the Gift of here's a beautiful supplication during the course of tonight: Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and efface our bad deeds and take our souls in the company of the righteous. (3:193)
Conquering Mecca: This ONE magnanimous gesture of forgiveness by Prophet Muhammad (p) continues to shape the world 1400 years later. It echoes & reverberates enlightening the world. Pay close's by no accident that Michael Hart in his book The 100 named Muhammad (p) the No. 1 personality in the history of a leader both on the spiritual & secular levels.
Read the following and you'll also understand...
The Prophet (peace) asked the people how they thought he was going to deal with them, now that he had conquered Mecca. They replied “as a noble brother” that they expected nothing but goodness from him and he would deal with them kindly. By both Arab and Biblical tradition he reserved the right to march into Mecca and slaughter all the men and take their women as slaves. Yet Muhammad (p) declared general amnesty for all, establishing a paradigm for forgiveness in the moment of his utmost political power. Compare that conquering via forgiveness with Western powers trying to conquer via weapons of mass destruction and losing.
It is one thing to preach nonviolence and forgiveness when one is politically inferior, entirely another to mercifully forgive when one has the power to demolish.
The Prophet (pbuh) spoke telling them “I speak to you in the same words of the Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) peace be with him, who spoke to his brothers” and Muhammad (pbuh) recited a passage from a chapter of the Quran relating to the story of Yusuf (pbuh):No blame will there be upon you today. Allah will forgive you; and He is the most merciful of the merciful”. Then he announced to them that they are free and they may go where they please.
His old nemesis Abu Sufyan, who had risen up against Muhammad so many times in war, feared for his safety, and yet Muhammad specifically declared Abu Sufyan’s house a sanctuary. There is a time to win people over in war, and there is a time to win people over by the charm of one’s personality. This was a time for mercy.
On this day, Muhammad even forgave an ex-follower who had apostatized and return to paganism. The rest of the conquest of Mecca, was also a tale of forgiveness and amnesty. And like this the Prophet (pbuh) granted his forgiveness to his former enemies, those who wanted to destroy his belief, his reputation, his life and his associates not long ago. He forgave them all men and women that came to him or his companions. So here we see his mercy for mankind, which Muslims can only describe as a gift from the Giver of all things. As we read in from the Quran “We sent you, Muhammad not, but as a Mercy for all creatures”.
All can learn from this act of selflessness by Muhammad (pbuh). It exposed the true aim of his mission as a messenger of God, which was to establish Islam (literally meaning ‘peace’ and ‘submission’), for mankind. A religion not based on vengefulness and war and confusion, but of freedom from strife, God awareness and submission to the One.
There is THAT country that uses war, drones, terror, murder, confusion, fear...but still tries to convince the world that it's the opposite. Fools and hypocrites...these are the greatest dangers to mankind...and they proliferate amongst political leaders.
For a society to flourish and achieve the best of its ability, forgiveness must be a main concern. Mecca under the leadership of Muhammad (p) is the world's blueprint for Mercy & Forgiveness.
Shamal...the politicians of this country need to take Prophet Muhammad (p) and actions such as the above as their guide...otherwise they would NOT be counted except as among the worst of humanity.

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