Saturday, July 20, 2013

Forgiveness 2

Salaam All

One becomes speechless in the knowledge that God's FORGIVENESS encompasses us all and tears flow...for our tears speak the language of our heart. Thru the tears we can clearly see through the deception of bitterness and ego to come to the point where we can genuinely forgive those who have hurt us.

Forgiveness has a bad aftertaste for us— somehow, we associate it with being weak.

It’s quite the opposite — 

Forgiveness is an act of maturity, bravery and intelligence.

Most importantly, it is a direct connection to your heart. In essence, it is love itself.

The 18th century poet Alexander Pope coined perhaps the most famous quote ever written regarding forgiveness when he wrote: 

To err  is human, to forgive divine."

Since we’ve all mastered the human tendency to err, let's focus on the far more elusive divine art of forgiving. Although everyone is familiar with the concept of forgiveness, it can be extremely difficult in actual practice. But...we must learn how to overcome the obstacles that prevent genuine forgiveness and move on to a place of true happiness  & peace.

To begin the overcoming needs the only medicine that has no side effects...the words of God. Here's the spiritual capsule: "Our Lord forgive me & my parents and all believers on the Day when the reckoning will be established." Quran 14:41



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