Saturday, July 27, 2013

Forgiveness 9

Salaam All
We've become an obsessive compulsive society addicted to anything and everything. Alcohol, drugs of all types, gambling, gaming, porn, porn & more porn, violence, excess social networking, excess television, excess shopping, always wanting the latest gadgets to SHOW OFF. More, more, more is never enough. Corporate fascism run amok has rendered every society hollowed out to the core. Every TV ad with dancing young people drinking alcohol should be countered with the suffering of millions of other people.
Even in line for prayer people are fiddling with their how stupid and senseless is that...
So there is a lot of excesses that are really emptinesses that are really sins...It time to call on God and refocus our lives.
We view God as the ultimate Santa Claus, as we send requests north to heaven. Today’s devotional is about a simple important prayer that actually has a guarantee from God. Yes, it is guaranteed to always be answered with a “yes.” Drumroll, please!
That prayer is, “God, please forgive me.”
You see, when it comes to forgiveness for the mistakes, slip ups, sins, and bad things we have done, the hardest part is to say those powerful words with sincerity. So our role in this process is really quite simple, contrary to what our flesh, the world, or Satan influences us to think: we must humble ourselves & ask God's forgiveness.
The sooner we can grasp and believe that the forgiveness prayer is always answered “yes”, (especially in these nights of Ramadan), the easier it is to rid ourselves of the dysfunctional shame, guilt, remorse and accumulated emotional weight of past sins. So many of us carry that around like a huge stone. So, ask for God’s forgiveness right now and each time you misstep each day. Don’t let the many sins you commit accumulate and hinder your powerful relationship and direct communication with God.
We all allow our past sins to influence our present lenses and lives. What past sin eats at your view of yourself … your self-esteem … or your ability to relate well with someone close? What is the effect of that sin? Why do you still let it influence you? Confess and dig into God’s word to access different lenses so you can see the complete forgiveness God has for you! This corrective lens surgery will truly free you. Dig deep into your heart, identify distortions and struggle areas, then apply God’s healing words so you can see clearly. Having the humility to ask for and accept God’s forgiveness and grace is your decision, so choose well.
Shamal...sing with me "I can see clearly now my sins are gone...I can see all obstacles in my way" lalalalaaala

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